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Baptism is the official introduction and initiation into God’s Family and can often be referred to as the Gateway to a life with God and His Family.


It is a great and important day for both your family relatives and friends as well as the wider church family ,as we celebrate that you choose your child to be initiated into the Church. Of Jesus Christ and to begin their journey of faith and Jesus Christ welcomes them with open arms.


Parents have an important role to cultivate their child’s journey in faith hope and love similar to their own upbringing of faith and passing on the gift of Baptism which you can give to your child.


In this sacrament of Baptism it is the forgiveness of Original Sin and the opening of the gates of heaven for your child as well as joining a community who will welcome and support and encourage them.


There is no fixed fee for baptism, an offering is left to your discretion. There will also be a collection to cover the church expenses.


Please fill out the Baptism Form to arrange Baptism Preparation which is directly arranged with Fr. Daniel Agbar by appointment.


Please be assured of the prayers of our parish, for we are the family into which your child will be baptised: the family of God.


Sacrament of Reconciliation or commonly known as the Confession where we receive the absolution of our sins from the priest who represent Jesus.


We are sorry for all the things we have done and seek absolution for all we have done wrong. It may be very daunting and fearful but if we are free of this fear, this is a beautiful and amazing sacrament as we receive healing through forgiveness and it can be received any time of the year and we want to feel the absolute freedom from the weight of guilt and sin. We are washed anew with this and feel closer to Jesus.


St. John (20:19-23):
“Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, ‘Peace be to you!’ And when he had said this he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore rejoiced at the sight of the Lord. He therefore said to them again, ‘Peace be to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ When he had said this, he breathed upon them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained”


Sacrament of Reconciliation can be arranged on request. Contact Fr. Daniel on 0118 931 4469.


First Holy Communion is the Second sacrament and the initiation to partake in the Feast of the Eucharist – The Body and Blood of Christ. It is one of the most holiest and important sacraments in the Catholic Faith.


Here at Christ the King we invite your children (Years 3 or above) to be registered for the programme where the parents will meet Fr. Daniel to ensure they are committed in the undertaking of this amazing and truly beneficial programme.


Both Parents and their child(ren) with our Catechist Team and Fr. Daniel Agber will start a programme for a year and will conclude at the Feast of Corpus Christi.


For further information and details please email:


“I am the Living Bread that came down from Heaven, says the Lord: Who ever eats this bread will live forever”


This is the Sacrament to complete the Initiation Sacrament as most confirmation candidates receive this Sacrament at the age of reason. At this stage in their faith journey they are initiated into the community as disciples of Jesus who asks us all as disciple to go forth and spread the Good News and just like at Baptism they are marked with the sign of faith here they are anointed with the Chrism Oil which the priest anoints them and says “ Be sealed with the Holy Spirit”


The first confirmation of the Church is recalled at the Feast of Pentecost when the Holy Spirt descended upon the Twelve.


Acts 2 2 – 4
“Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them”

It is an important and momentous occasion for all present.


The confirmation programme takes place every two years and is available to anyone who is in Year 8 or in secondary school. Any young person who wishes to receive this sacrament must have already received the sacrament of baptism and holy communion. Confirmation candidates also usually meet with Fr. Daniel so that he can determine whether they are ready to receive this sacrament. For more information, contact the parish office on 0118 931 4469 or fill in the online Confirmation Form.



Marriage is a sacrament of service – service to your spouse, your children, your community and to God. It is the  lasting commitment of a man and a woman to a lifelong partnership, established for the good of each other and the procreation of their children. When Jesus is placed in the centre of your married life  and home there will be an abundant amount of blessings.


As a Sacrament Marriage is part of the Church’s liturgy.


Jesus taught that marriage is indissoluble: “Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate” (Matthew 19:6). Through the sacrament of Matrimony, the Church teaches that Jesus gives the strength and grace to live the real meaning of marriage. In the writings of St Paul:  “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her” (Ephesians 5:25–26).


Couples who wish to marry at the Church of Christ the King must contact Fr. Daniel. The church requires that all couples wishing to marry undergo a time of preparation to deepen their understanding of Christian marriage. This is achieved through discussions with Fr. Daniel and by attending a marriage preparation course. Additional the couple will meet with and be supported by a Married couple from the parish who will share their experience of the joys and challenges of Married life and the benefit of Sacramental Marriage.


This is the sacrament where a man will receive the Holy Order to join the priesthood and or permanent deaconate. This sacrament can only be conferred on baptized men. This is a long journey of Faith in Christ and these individuals who embark on this journey have received the calling of Christ to serve Him for the rest of their lives. Through prayer and discernment the call of the Lord becomes clearer and the trappings of the earthly world are drowned out.


For more information please visit the Portsmouth Diocese website:


This the second sacrament where we receiving the healing from the oil of the sick and this is mainly issued where an individual is gravely ill or and in danger of death.


This will probably be the last sacrament we receive and knowing that we again are being sealed with the Oil of the sick before we meet the Lord our Saviour is an amazing fulfilment of our Faith journey.


Please contact the Parish office if you do know of anyone who is gravely ill and requires a visit from Fr. Daniel Agber.


Please click here to find out more information in regards to the Hospital Chaplaincy at Royal Berkshire Hospital.



Throughout the year we arrange events in the parish, ranging from youth events, prayer groups and parish meetings.


For more information please read our newsletters



Parish Priest: Fr. Daniel Msugh Agber


Parish Administrator : 

Wendy Dias (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

Angela Camilleri 

Tel: 0118 931 4469




Contact the Parish Office for hall bookings



408 Northumberland Avenue
South Reading

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